Doggy Diapers

For Your Cute Dogs!

Belly Bands

For Male Dogs

Real Protection From

Leaks And Drips

Doggy Diapers

For Your Cute Dogs!

Today's Offer: SAVE 20%When You Buy 2(two) Or More Items with Free Shipping “Seasonals 20%”

Holidays Special Offer: Buy 1(one) Belly Band get another belly band 50% OFF “Seasonals Buy 1 get another 50% OFF ”


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Michigan Made

Seasonals dog diapers and belly bands are the First and Best solution for your dog’s heat cycle, wetting problems, incontinence in older dogs, and other problems. We manufacture here in Michigan with only the best USA made materials, Seasonals products last wash after wash and dog after dog. It is our quality and service that have kept us in business since 1988 and keep our customers coming back. Browse through our collection of stories, videos, and photos to see for yourself why we are truly the First and Best!

Seasonals made in USA since 1988
